Called to establish His presence upon the earth
We are a group of believers who passionately pursue a deeper relationship with our heavenly Father. Our purpose is to minister to His desires alone and to respond only to His voice. We are devoted to accepting responsibility for establishing His Kingdom on this earth through intercession and restoration. God is calling His saints all across the nations to rise up and partner with Him to establish tabernacles of His presence.
These are the Tenets of Our Belief:
We are called to die daily to self.
We believe in the absolute authority of Jesus Christ, as the Son of God, to save us from our sins.
We believe in the written word of God as our sole standard of truth. We are a house of prayer.
We believe in intercession (prayer) as the foundational mandate for every church that would walk in God’s truth.
We are Gap Fillers
And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30