Giving speaks to the core of who we are as Believers because our devotion and commitment to the eternal will of God is built on our willingness and desire to give all of ourselves to the divine purpose of God.
Whether we are giving tithes…a tenth of our increase that we sow, in faith, toward the next thing God wants to accomplish according to His purpose…
Whether we are giving offerings…discretionary giving that functions as a token of response to God’s directive for a need…
Or whether we are giving firstfruit…extraordinary giving that is the best of who we are and the best of what we have, independent of any other donation, to the work of the Lord…
…giving is a privilege and an honor, wherein we surrender something, in order to yield ourselves entirely to our Father and His will.
One of the words for give in the New Testament Greek is paradidomai. Didomai is the root word from which gift is translated and para means to be close, with or beside. This is something given or distributed by or with someone who stands very close beside us, or who is very near to us. It’s a term of intimacy.
When we are people who demonstrate the agape of God, we make ourselves vulnerable to Him and His will. As we draw closer and closer to the passion of HIS heart, our natural response is to respond in passion to His divine will through the giving of ourselves and our resources.
If you are led by the Lord to partner with the ministry of the Saints in Port. St. John, as we go into all the world with the message of the Saints, please use this means provided to sow into the heart of our heavenly Father.