How can I connect with you?
- We have a Facebook page: Christian Church at Port St. John. Feel free to like us and read current happenings! You may request membership to this page.
- Our website – ccatpsj.net. Keep up with current events on our CALENDAR. Connect with us through the CONTACT Button. Across the top of our HOME page, you will see a menu: ABOUT, CONTACT, CALENDARS, CURRENT EVENTS, DOWNLOADS, MINISTRIES, CONTACT or VISIT. This is where you can access the various points of information.
How do I download teachings and worship?
- Go to the HOME page of our website. Across the top, you will see a menu: ABOUT, CONTACT, DOWNLOADS, etc. Click on the Downloads page. The Downloads page has three sections: Teachings, Worship and Seminars. Seminars are password protected. You will need to contact us and request the password to these sections.
- Teachings and Worship are not password protected. Click on the picture of the area you want to go into and the files that are available will come up. There are instructions on the Teachings and Worship pages as to how to download the audio files. The handouts for Teachings are underneath the audio files and are in docx format.
- Seminars are only available twice a year and for approximately one month on the website. Click on the picture for the Seminar and you will put in the password. Follow the instructions for downloading. Handouts for the audio files are underneath each file in pdf format. If you click on Seminars after typing in the password and nothing appears, then there are no seminar recordings available.
What is a Saint’s church?
- A Saint’s church is one where the Pastor of the church recognizes the direction of the Spirit in his/her congregation as being synonymous with the calling of the Saints.
- They embrace the Biblical identity and purpose of the Saints. As such, they are immersed in the spirit of intercession, agape and spiritual service, committed to progressively turn the kingdom of darkness into light.
What is a Saint?
- Saints are peculiar individuals who serve the purposes of the heart of God within and through the church.
- Diversities of tongues is their operative communication stream.
- They are intent on walking with God and are called to be specialists of His heart.
- They are devoted to carrying forth His will on earth, while actively restoring the barren places, hijacked by the enemy at his rebellion.
- As the hagios (holy ones), they have made God’s original intent for how this earth functions their desire and objective.
What is your religious affiiliation?
- We are an independent congregation that is locally autonomous. As such, we have no denominational affiliation. However, because we share the same heart and purpose as Father’s Kingdom message, we are united in spirit with other groups/churches that minister as Saints. This is called the Saint’s Network.