
It was the heart of God (Elohim) that created the world and everything in it. He has always wanted to have an intimate relationship with us, wherein we learn to partner with Him in the essence of His ways. Continually pursuing a deeper place in God’s heart is the essence of relationship with Him and His agape’.



Jesus declared that God’s house should be a house of prayer for all nations. Intercession is the life blood of a saint. Praying for God’s desires, especially through diversity of tongues, will expand our identity in Him. Jesus is interceding for the saints to fulfill their purpose.



We are committed to maturing in Christ, as we apply fresh facets of His truth to our lives and teach them to others.



As our relationship with God deepens, our understanding of His ways or the way His Spirit moves, should expand as well. God wants to speak very deeply with us in these days so we can understand the mysteries of His heart.



We exist to minister to God. Fresh prophetic expression provides the new song that delights the Father’s heart.


If you embrace the calling to be a saint and want to commit yourself to share that ministry with this local congregation, please contact Pastor Larry Sparrow to arrange a meeting with him. Phone number is 321-289-8896. Contact can also be made via email at ccatpsj@rocketmail.com.