To select the desired teaching, hover over the name of the teaching. The text will turn black. Click on it and download will begin. The audio files are zipped files. You will first need to download the zipped folder to your computer (you can save it on your Desktop if you like). After the file has been downloaded to your computer, right click the folder and choose “extract all”. Choose a directory to save this file so you can listen to it. As far as the handouts, the handouts are in docx. format so they will automatically download to your computer.
NOTE: 2024 Fall Seminar files will only be kept on this website till next seminar.
Session 1: Pastor Ron Crawford Gross Darkness Part 1
Gross Darkness Handout
Session 2: Pastor Ron Crawford Gross Darkness Part 2
(See Previous Handout)
Session 3: Monica Terrill Thirst
Thirst Handout
Session 4: Pastor Ron Crawford Baqa
Baqa Handout
Evening 1: Pastor Ron Crawford Baqa Part 2
(see Previous Handout)
Session 5: Pastor Ron Crawford Sealed
Session 6: Monica Terrill The 70, Ayin
The 70, Ayin Handout
Session 7: Monica Terrill The 70 and Elders Part 2
(See Previous Handout)
Session 8: Monica Terrill The 70
(See Previous Handout)
Evening 2: Pastor Fabian Arroyo Open Your Eyes
Session 9: Pastor Ron Crawford Outer Darkness
Outer Darkness Handout
Session 10: Mark Burke Teaching in Unconventional Environments and Conditions
Teaching in Unconventional Environments and Conditions Handout
Session 11: Pastor Vicki Sparrow Sequel to the Common (handouts coming soon)
Sequel to the Common Handout
Session 12: Pastor Emmanuel Falodun Press to Fulfillment
5 Fold Evangelist: Evangelist
5 Fold Pastor: Pastor
5 Fold Prophet: Prophet
5 Fold Teacher-Seer: Teacher
5 Fold Summary: Summary